
Online-Talk 21. Juni 2022: „Queering Development: Toward LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Feminist Frameworks in G7 Development Cooperation”

Am 21. Juni von 16-17:15 Uhr findet die Online-Veranstaltung „Queering Development: Toward LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Feminist Frameworks in G7 Development Cooperation” statt

(english below)  
Unter diesem Titel lädt Outright Action International zum Webtalk zu LSBTI-Inklusion im feministischen Kontext ein. Anlass ist der G7-Gipfels, der eine Woche später auf Schloss Elmau stattfinden wird. Das G7 Communiqué vom Treffen der Entwicklungsminister*innen enthält eine Passage zu LSBTI unter Punkt 22: genannt wird sexualisierte und geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt, die Folgen der Covid-Pandemie, es ist von der Gleichstellung aller Geschlechter die Rede und explizit wird die Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit mit LSBTI-Zivilgesellschaft und mit LSBTI-Menschenrechtsverteidiger*innen versprochen….der vollständige Wortlaut hier (englisch): https://www.bmz.de/en/news/g7-presidency
Alle Details finden sich unten im englischen Text.

Auf dem Panel:
Women7, Outright-Vertreterinnen, weitere Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) und das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (BMZ) mit einem Input, moderiert und organisiert von Outright Action International,

Anmeldung hier:

OutRight Action International is pleased to invite you to a G7 Side Event on the occasion of Pride Month and the annual G7 Summit:

Queering Development: Toward LGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Feminist Frameworks in G7 Development Cooperation
In collaboration with the BMZ Human Rights Division, the GIZ Sector Programme Human Rights and Women7

June 21, 2022 10:00-11:15 am ET // 4:00-5:15 pm CEST

The G7 Development Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué, issued on May 19, 2022, includes new commitments by G7 states to tackle multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against LGBTIQ people and to focus on SOGIESC equality in their development cooperaion.

This message from seven leading industrial nations and democracies – who provided 76% of total official development assistance (ODA) in 2021 – sends an important signal for inclusion and diversity in development policy and represents a significant milestone for all future G7 presidencies. But what will it mean for LGBTIQ people on the ground?

This webinar brings together LGBTIQ and feminist advocates and development practitioners to discuss what LGBTIQ inclusion in development cooperation looks like in practice, and how it relates to the growing push for feminist development policy, including among G7 countries. Panelists will discuss what is working in terms of LGBTIQ-inclusive and feminist development, where there are obvious gaps that G7 countries could and should address, and what feminist and LGBTIQ advocates can learn from one another in advancing inclusive and gender just development. How can G7 countries’ development cooperation become more LGBTIQ-inclusive? In what ways can the current momentum around feminist development policies be harnessed to promote inclusion of all genders and sexualities? 
Panelists include Caroline Ausserer (Women7), Neela Ghoshal (OutRight Action International), Davies Okombo (Uhuru Community Development Project in Kenya, W7 Advisor) and Mylene Mangwanda (Partnerships for Prevention of Gender-Based Violence in Southern Africa, GIZ). Maria Sjödin of OutRight Action International will moderate the panel. Bernadette Kalz, Senior Policy Advisor for Human Rights at the German Foreign Ministry (BMZ) will provide opening remarks.
Please click here to register: