Cultures and Colonialism - The struggle for the human rights of LGBTIQ+ in the light of the debate on decolonization

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New project by the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation in 2024

How does European colonialism continue to affect the lives of queer people in countries that once were colonized? One legacy of missionary and colonial history is the criminalization of homosexual acts and non-binary ways of life. The fight against these criminal statutes is being led by people in the formerly colonized countries. The desire for freedom is coming from these countries themselves. Local movements view decriminalization as an act of decolonialization.

Paradoxically, precisely this advocacy for women’s and LGBTIQ+ human rights is being discredited as “neocolonial”. We ask: Can development cooperation and international work for LGBTIQ+ human rights be decolonial in practice? What should that look like? What effects does missionary history still have on gender roles to this day?

We discuss these issues, present research results, and collect approaches to decolonial international project work with and for LGBTIQ+ people.

“Cultures and Colonialism – The fight for LGBTIQ+ human rights and the debate on decolonialization” is a project by the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundation in 2024.

>>Go to the detailed project report

Project Manager: Sarah Kohrt

LGBTIQ+ Platform for Human Rights, Hirschfeld-Eddy-Foundation

Would you like invitations to events? Opportunities to join networking sessions and background talks? Or information about LGBTIQ+ projects in general?
Contact: sarah.kohrt(at)

Everyone interested is warmly invited to contact us and all are welcome to contribute.



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Find all background articles relating to this project in our blog under Tag KuK-2024